Third Party Custody in Missouri- How Much has the Law Changed after In Re T.Q.L.[1] ?
Third Party Custody in Missouri- How Much has the Law Changed after In Re T.Q.L.[1] ? By: Brittany E. O’Brien and Heather Rooney McBride Until recently, a non-parent a/k/a third party could only obtain custody of a child who had a living parent by filing for guardianship or by moving to intervene into an […]
Stop, Collaborate, and Listen: Is a Collaborative Divorce for Me?
Stop, Collaborate, and Listen: Is a Collaborative Divorce for Me? By: Austin E. Williamson and Heather Rooney McBride “There is more than one way to skin a cat”. The divorce process epitomizes this saying as there are many paths to finality, some harder than others. Setting aside the whirlwind of anger, hurt feelings and uncertainty […]